Basfoliar Herbiplus SP

Basfoliar® Herbiplus SP

Basfoliar® Herbiplus SP is a fertilizer formulated with the new AS Advance technology, which enhances the action of numerous agrochemicals, especially herbicides that need a very low pH in solution to be more effective and prolong their action. This new AS Advance technology is one of COMPO EXPERT's latest formulation developments, which makes its nitrogen and sulfur supply much more efficient. Its reaction in the medium is acidic and its unique soluble powder formulation makes the product quick and easy to dissolve.


Basfoliar® Herbiplus SP is a powerful activator of agrochemicals, especially herbicides. It accelerates the action of herbicides in the control of weeds, even the most difficult ones, minimizing the competition they produce for water and nutrients to crops. AS Advance technology is the fastest solution to improve glyphosate activity in fallow and resistant crops.

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Ammonium sulphate, N (SO3) 21 (60) with nitrification inhibitor 3,4-dimethyl-1H-pyrazole phosphate (DMPP)
For use in horticulture.



total nitrogen




0.8% DMPP (3,4-dimethylpyrazole phosphate) in relation to ammonia nitrogen

Form of Delivery

  • 25 kg bag

Transport & Storage Recommendations


  • Delivery as loose goods in big bags or on pallets with bags and canisters.
  • Protect loose goods from moisture during transport.
  • Protect goods from excessive direct sunlight and large temperature fluctuations during transport.
  • Only transport fertilizer at moderate temperatures. Use an air-conditioned lorry if necessary.
  • Take note of any hazardous material labels on the product.


Storage general

  • Protect stored fertilizer from frost, light, and moisture.
  • Store loose goods inside a building and not in outdoor areas. Keep doors closed and cover heaped materials.
  • As the product has a tendency to attract moisture, protect it from rain and standing water.
  • Take note of the hazardous material labels on the product where appropriate.
  • Please check the label or safety data sheet for the appropriate transport conditions and storage temperatures.

Storage temperature

  • Avoid frost and excessively high temperatures.
  • Avoid large temperature fluctuations during storage.

Storage period

  • Products should be used up as quickly as possible once opened.