Basfoliar Gold Black

Basfoliar® Gold Black

Basfoliar® Gold Black is a liquid biostimulant and organo mineral fertilizer containing suitable ratio of Fulvic acid (27.5%) and Humic acid (1.5%) for efficient application through foliar and fertigation. It is a very effective source of organic carbon (18%) for nourishment of soil and plant as well. It helps in better root growth and overall development of the plant.
  • Basfoliar® Gold Black is an ideal biostimulant and Organo mineral fertilizer
  • It has a perfect combination of Fulvic and Humic acid for better absorption through leaf and roots both
  • High organic Carbon content helps in improvement of soil structure and microbial growth
  • Increases cation Exchange Capacity (CEC) of soil for better nutrient absorption through soil for plants
  • Synergistic combination of other mineral nutrients further increases its efficiency for overall growth and development of the plant
  • It helps plants to fight against various abiotic stresses


Basfoliar® Gold Black is an organo mineral liquid formulation. It contains synergistic combination of Fulvic and humic Acids along with high Total organic carbon content and primary and secondary mineral fertilizers. It is suitable for all crops including nurseries, fruit, flower and vegetables. It is ideal for soil and foliar application both.

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It is a bio stimulant and Organo mineral fertilizer with Fulvic Acid, Humic Acid, total organic carbon and mineral nutrition.


Fulvic Acid

Total Fulvic Acid content


Humic Acid

Total Humic Acid Content


Organic Carbon

Total Organic Carbon Content

Basfoliar® Gold Black also contains Nitrogen (1.5%), Phosphorus (1.2%), Potassium (1.5%), Calcium (0.4%), Magnesium (0.3%) and Sulphur (0.3%)

Form of Delivery

  • 20 l canister
  • 1,000 l IBC
Not all delivery forms are available in all countries.

Transport & Storage Recommendations


  • Delivery as loose goods in big bags or on pallets with bags and canisters.
  • Protect loose goods from moisture during transport.
  • Protect goods from excessive direct sunlight and large temperature fluctuations during transport.
  • Only transport fertilizer at moderate temperatures. Use an air-conditioned lorry if necessary.
  • Take note of any hazardous material labels on the product.


Storage general

  • Protect stored fertilizer from frost, light, and moisture.
  • Store loose goods inside a building and not in outdoor areas. Keep doors closed and cover heaped materials.
  • As the product has a tendency to attract moisture, protect it from rain and standing water.
  • Take note of the hazardous material labels on the product where appropriate.
  • Please check the label or safety data sheet for the appropriate transport conditions and storage temperatures.

Storage temperature

  • Avoid frost and excessively high temperatures.
  • Avoid large temperature fluctuations during storage.

Storage period

  • Products should be used up as quickly as possible once opened.