3D EasyGreen Mini 21

EasyGreen Mini 21 21-5-10(+3)

NPK complex fertiliser with emphasis on nitrogen for spring and summer application to promote growth and a quick green-up.
  • NPK compound fertiliser with immediate effect
  • High in nitrogen for spring use
  • Small granule size for better and homogenous spreading
  • All nutrients in each granule
  • Including vital micronutrients
  • Safe and efficient product application


EasyGreen Mini 21 is a fine-granulated NPK fertilizer with potassium sulfate, magnesium and trace elements (without potassium chloride). For use on golf fairways and other lawns. EasyGreen Mini 21, thanks to its even, fine grain size, can be easily spread with fertiliser spreaders or by hand. This ensures an even distribution. Nutrient distribution is excellent as each granule contains all nutrients and trace elements. The application is possible during the whole vegetation period, especially for spring and summer application to promote growth and a quick green-up.

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CO2-Reduction: 426 kg CO2e/t Product produced


EU fertilising product
NPK (MgO, SO3) complex fertiliser 21-5-10 (+3+15) with micronutrients
For use in horticulture.
Poor in chloride.



total nitrogen
10,0% nitrate nitrogen
11,0% ammonium nitrogen



total phosphorus pentoxide
4,0% water soluble phosphorus pentoxide
5,0% phosphorus pentoxide soluble in neutral ammonium citrate



water soluble potassium oxide



total magnesium oxide
2,4% water soluble magnesium oxide



total sulfur trioxide
14% water soluble sulfur trioxide



total boron, as sodium borate
0,016% water soluble boron



total iron, as sulphate



total zinc, as oxide

Use only if there is a recognized need. Do not exceed the application rate

Storage conditions:
Protect stored fertiliser from frost, light, high temperatures and moisture. Avoid large temperature fluctuations. Do not stack more than two pallets. Only store in original packaging. Use up quickly once opened.

Information on safety and environment:
To avoid risks to human health and the environment, comply with the instructions for use.
EUH210: Safety data sheet available on request.

Granulometry: Granules, 90 % < 2,5 mm

General information: FOR PROFESSIONAL USE

Form of Delivery

  • 25 kg bag
  • 1,000 kg big bag
Not all delivery forms are available in all countries.

Transport & Storage Recommendations


  • Delivery as loose goods in big bags or on pallets with bags and canisters.
  • Protect loose goods from moisture during transport.
  • Protect goods from excessive direct sunlight and large temperature fluctuations during transport.
  • Only transport fertiliser at moderate temperatures. Use an air-conditioned lorry if necessary.
  • Take note of any hazardous material labels on the product.


Storage general

  • Protect stored fertiliser from frost, light, and moisture.
  • Store loose goods inside a building and not in outdoor areas. Keep doors closed and cover heaped materials.
  • As the product has a tendency to attract moisture, protect it from rain and standing water.
  • Take note of the hazardous material labels on the product where appropriate.
  • Avoid stacking more than two pallets on top of each other. Always cover loose goods and do not offload in the rain.
  • Only transport and store at temeratures between 5 °C and 40 °C. Only store in the original packaging. Products should be used up as quickly as possible once opened.

Storage temperature

  • Avoid frost and excessively high temperatures.
  • Avoid large temperature fluctuations during storage.

Storage period

  • Products should be used up as quickly a possible once opened.

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