Smartphone App: Crop Companion
Our useful digital companion with the full COMPO EXPERT know-how supports you with the successful growth of your target crops.

Configure the app for your crops
Choose from a wide range of crops and get only the information you really need.

Find the right COMPO EXPERT product
Through our product finder and bookmark feature, you will find the ideal product in a blink of an eye.

Get recommendations for the current growth stages of your crops
The app suggests the right products at the right time for your crop.

Advice and assistance through direct contact with an expert
Our responsible Crop Manager will provide you with advice and support.

New App Feature Crop Health
Provides useful information on plant diseases and deficiency symptoms - including tips and explanations on how these can be treated or prevented.

Gather additional knowledge
With our video content, downloadable guides and the latest news & trends, we impart additional information about your crops.